Organization: Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
Location: New Delhi
The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) is an autonomous research organization
fully funded by Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi. It is a premier Institute of National and
International repute, devoted to research in various aspects of atmospheric sciences with emphasis
on tropical meteorology, particularly on the Climate Change and Indian Monsoon.
Table of Contents |
1. Job Details |
2. Name of post |
4. Official Advertisement Link |
Job Details
Job Source | Online |
Organisation | Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) |
Job Location | New Delhi |
Last Date | 18 June, 2024 |
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Name of post

- The last date of submission of online application is 18th June, 2024 (1700 hrs.). The last date is
the cut of date for all purposes including age/qualification/experience etc. - Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
- Mere possession of required qualification will not entitle the candidates to be selected for
interview. If the number of applications received in response to advertisement is large, it will
not be convenient or possible for the selection Board to interview or conduct written test for all
those candidates. The Institute may short list the candidates to a reasonable limit based on the
essential and desirable qualifications / record of academic performance / relevant experience
for the post or any other benchmarks as decided by a committee constituted to screen the
applications. - No correspondence will be entertained with candidates who are not called for Interview.
- Upper age limit is relaxed for SC/ST/ OBC/Physically Handicapped persons/Ex- servicemen as
per Government of India norms. - Experience claim should be supported by valid documentation.
- Selection will be on the basis of performance of the screened in candidates, in the online/ offline
interview. - Candidates must produce all original documents as proof of details furnished in the application
and photocopy of each, at the time of joining. Any discrepancies found in the certificate will
attract the disqualification of applications. Non production of the original certificates at the time
joining will also make the candidate disqualified. - Selected candidate may have to join the post immediately, on being found fit by Medical
Authority. - Essential qualification, experience and age limit can be relaxed at the discretion of the
appointing authority in exceptional cases. - Doctorate Degree will count as 3 years of experience (in case the doctorate degree is not
mentioned as the essential qualification). - No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. For SC/ST candidates admissible TA/DA
shall be considered as per Government of India orders. - CGPA grading is to be converted in percentage.
- Online application submitted without scanned copies of the certificates will be rejected.
- Applicants working in Government/ Semi-Government/ Public Sector Undertakings/
Autonomous bodies should produce the requisite ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer
at the time of interview. - Director, IITM reserves the right to fill-up or not to fill up the post advertised without assigning
any reasons thereof. - Canvassing in any form and /or bringing any influence, political or otherwise will be treated as
disqualification of candidature. No interim correspondence/inquiry will be entertained.
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